How to Turn Your Internal Struggles Into Wisdom
We all face struggles in life. It's how we deal with these struggles that define us as individuals. Some people wallow in their misery, while others find the strength to pick themselves up and move on. But there is a third group of people—those who learn from their struggles and use them to become wiser, better versions of themselves.
If you want to join this third group, it's essential to understand that Wisdom comes from Knowledge and Experience. Knowledge is understanding what you should do in a given situation. Experience is doing it. And it is only through a combination of the two that we can achieve true Wisdom through adversity.
I Gain Knowledge about my life like this, and there are two ways to gain Knowledge: through study and observation. If you want to learn from your internal struggles, you need to take the time to study them. This means looking closely at what went wrong and why you become responsible for participating in the struggle. Only then can you begin to understand what you could have done differently.
Of course, more than studying alone is required; you need action to change. It would help to observe how other people deal with similar situations outside of family and your current friends. See how they react at the moment and how they feel afterwards. Please pay attention to both their successes and their failures. Combining what you learn from your struggles with what you observe in others you don't personally know, you'll develop a well-rounded understanding of the best way to deal with difficult situations.
How to Gain Experience, now that you know what you should do, it's time to practice that Knowledge. The only way to do this is by facing your fears head-on and embracing your internal struggles. This might mean taking risks or putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, but it will be worth it if it means gaining the Experience you need to become wise.
Remember, Wisdom in struggle doesn't come easy—it requires hard work and dedication to look at yourself, I did this, and my life changed; I write stories about it in my book. But if you're willing to put in the effort, it will be more than worth it. So don't be afraid of your internal struggles—use them to learn and grow into the best version of yourself, and don't blame others for your actions and choices.