Why We Fail When We Stop Trying to Give Up
An old saying goes, "When we stop trying to give up things we don't want, we fail until we keep trying again." And it's true. So often in life, we set our sights on a goal and then give up when we don't achieve it immediately. But the only way to succeed is to keep going, even when it feels like we're failing. Here's why.
The Power of Persistence, the dictionary defines persistence as "the quality or state of being persistent, stubbornly continuing or determined to maintain a course of action in spite of opposition or discouragement." And that's precisely what it takes to succeed—the ability to continue taking action in spite of opposition or discouragement.
Successful people never face setbacks or experience failure. They're the ones who can pick themselves up after a fall and keep going. They have the grit and determination to see their goals through to the end, no matter what.
How to Develop Persistence If you're not a naturally persistent person, don't worry—persistence is a quality that can be developed. Here are a few tips I should know I had to create it; my book explains it in many stories.
1. Set realistic goals. When your goals are achievable, you're more likely to stick with them.
2. Create a plan of action. Having a roadmap will help you stay on track when things get tough.
3. Find a role model. Look for someone who has achieved what you're striving for and learn from their example.
4. Stay motivated. Remind yourself regularly why you're pursuing your goal and how fulfilling it will improve your life.
5. Persevere through setbacks. Accept that setbacks are part of the journey and use them as opportunities to learn and grow.
If you want to achieve something great in life, you need to develop the quality of persistence. Successful people are not the ones who never face obstacles or experience failure — they’re the ones who keep never giving up—giving up. They have the grit and determination to see their goals through to the end, no matter what. You can develop persistence by setting realistic goals, creating a plan of action, finding a role model, staying motivated, and persevering through setbacks. So never give up on your dreams or dislikes — keep trying, even when it feels like you’re failing. Because ultimately, only those who never stop trying truly fail.