Drug addiction is very misunderstood. Trust me, I know from being a junkie and living a life most people could not comprehend.
Often, people do not understand how or why they get addicted to drugs. Many not drug users think that "drug addicts" lack good morals and choose to continue using drugs despite the negative consequences, but this is not true.
Some believe that drugs are easy to quit and that people who are addicted lack the willpower or motivation to stop, another false fabrication. These views could not be farther from the truth and are exactly what contributes to some of the stigmas of substance abuse.
The dire physical effects of drug abuse on human health are huge.
As drugs affect the user's mental health, they also induce different anti-social behaviors in their personal and physical health.
Old friends or past relations.
Contrary to popular belief among drug addicts, drugs are not cool and do
not help expand your friends circle. You will lose past friends because your old gang and some family will not put up with you.
It is this simple, because while doing drugs, your real non addict friends and loved ones will be more interested in doing other things. Therefore, your past good for you circle will shrink to drug addicts, and those who will be more interested in being in the company of drugs and addicts, Birds of a feather flock together.
Be prepared for many positive failure.
it takes more than solid will or good intentions to stop. Many, if not most, addicted want to stop using. However, the neurological changes that drugs induce in the brains make quitting hard. I may appear entertaining in my video below with my road to recovery, but trust me, I was very hardcore, and this road was the most challenging road I had travelled. I don't recommend it. I was psychologically scared and it took years and years to heal from these wounds.
Drugs addiction changes your motivation; users feel like they need drugs to function normally. You prioritize drug use above all else, as taking drugs are the only way we can make it through the day without the pain of withdrawal.
You may be here now, wondering, "Why do people get addicted to drugs?" or, more significantly, "Why did this happen to my loved ones, or you?
You are not alone. Many addicts and family members – particularly parents – will have these questions on top of their minds, questioning whether they are to blame for their loved one's choices to use.
It is true that, initially, a person chooses to use drugs. However, after some time, users can transition from voluntary to compulsive. Compulsive drug use is a defining sign of drug addiction and means that the drugs have compromised a user's natural ability to exhibit the real self- and impulse-control.
How can an addict change or the people who are close to them understand how to help them adequately?
By knowing more about addiction from a person who did make it home from where we all start from before addiction gets certain people. In my book I show the patterns of all drug addicts. these patterns comes in the form of open and honest communication, this is how I changed. I hope you enjoy My journey below.